Our vision
The "Campus Kultur Kulinarik Vitznau" is based on a vision that is actually already reality: DAS MORGEN. The name stands for a house with components of tomorrow: the Neuro Campus Hotel with gastronomy and culinary delights as well as the Neuro Music Academy with its Musikita.
DAS MORGEN is a campus for research and exchange with the neurosciences.
A multifunctional chamber music and multimedia hall opened in spring 2023. DAS MORGEN is synonymous with experiencing and enjoying pleasure, based on the findings of neuroscientific research. This is also evident when the guests enter the hotel - the illustrations in the foyer impressively explain the principles of neurogastronomy.
Space for experiences and insights
It is the overall vision that shows the way. The "Campus Kultur Kulinarik Vitznau" with DAS MORGEN as its core is a place that creates connections. Just as new neural networks are constantly forming in the human brain, so too are connections, concepts and ideas created in the new campus. The components of the network awaken the senses. They are the hotel, its gastronomy, culinary sensations and music.
Your contacts
Hospitality Visions Lake Lucerne AG
Betriebsstätte DAS MORGEN
Seestraße 75, CH-6354 Vitznau
T 0041 41 399 73 73